Handige weetjes | ( vrije vertaling Scott Santens )


Dus je wilt helpen het Onvoorwaardelijke Basisinkomen te promoten? De belangrijkste doelstelling is dat informatie over OBi nog meer toegankelijker, meer deelbaar wordt en meer impact kan genereren, enz. Deze behoefte is enorm en dat is precies de reden waarom er is zo’n geweldige kans is om een ​​belangrijk deel van de basisinkomenbeweging uit te … Meer lezenHandige weetjes | ( vrije vertaling Scott Santens )

Basic income: just what the doctor ordered | Toronto Star

What makes people sick? Infectious agents like bacteria and viruses, and personal factors like smoking, eating poorly and living a sedentary lifestyle.But none of these compares to the way that poverty makes us sick. Prescribing medications and lifestyle changes for our patients who suffer from income deficiency isn’t enough; we need to start prescribing healthy … Meer lezenBasic income: just what the doctor ordered | Toronto Star

A basic income guarantee may be the best medicine – Upstream – Linkis.com

178 physicians signed a letter sent today to Ontario’s Minister of Health requesting his leadership to introduce a Basic Income Guarantee for the people of Ontario. It is a reflection of pervasive income-related health problems they see every day. Adequate, stable income is the only treatment. Source: A basic income guarantee may be the best … Meer lezenA basic income guarantee may be the best medicine – Upstream – Linkis.com