Should the Amount of Basic Income Vary With Cost of Living Differences?


The question of an unequal UBIA common first question in response to the idea of unconditionally guaranteeing a monthly cash stipend to everyone sufficient to meet their basic needs is in regards to a potential need for differing amounts of basic income. Let’s examine this question from two perspectives: that of the individual and that … Meer lezenShould the Amount of Basic Income Vary With Cost of Living Differences?

Guaranteed Basic Income Is Not a Panacea


Excitement is growing around the idea of a minimum income granted unconditionally to all citizens. We’ve been seeing a barrage of articles claiming that a basic income guarantee alone could “revolutionize the 21st century” and “eliminate poverty.” The list of governments seriously considering basic income is getting longer: Switzerland, Finland, and the cities of Utrecht, … Meer lezenGuaranteed Basic Income Is Not a Panacea

Life in the Robot Age: When We’re All Unemployed | Big Think


“You’ll never get a good job, son, if you’re smoking pot all the time!”That’s a scolding you won’t hear in the future. Besides the fact that pot smokers can become president, the future will not require you to get a good job. The traditional motivation to keep your mind orderly and bourgeois will be gone, … Meer lezenLife in the Robot Age: When We’re All Unemployed | Big Think

INTERNATIONAL: Interview series about Basic Income Week | BIEN

internationalbasicincomeweeklogo8th-300x229 is finding out what is happening with Basic Income initiatives around the world, regarding International Basic Income Week and beyond.The organization is talking with the people who brought International Basic Income Week to life and who have made it into the international event it is today. It all started with local events that everyone … Meer lezenINTERNATIONAL: Interview series about Basic Income Week | BIEN

The case for a basic income // The Observer


Welfare is corrupt. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is easily exploited. The earned income tax credit encourages irresponsible parenting. Problems with anti-poverty programs have been piling up ever since the New Deal. Republicans despair at these programs’ astronomical costs, while Democrats try to cover up some of their obvious inefficiencies. Both sides agree entitlements … Meer lezenThe case for a basic income // The Observer

Basic income Week 2015: 8th Int’l Basic Income Week


  Basic income Week 2015 was initiated in 2008 by activists in German-speaking countries. While international in its ambition from the outset, activities spread significantly in Europe only after the establishment of the new coalition Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE) in 2014.Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) in tandem with the /r/BasicIncome community on Reddit also contributed in 2014 … Meer lezenBasic income Week 2015: 8th Int’l Basic Income Week

Cuomo Pivots Again as He Seeks a $15 Minimum Wage – The New York Times


With Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. at his side, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York presented himself as a champion of the working class on Thursday, pledging to campaign for a statewide minimum wage of $15 an hour. Source: Cuomo Pivots Again as He Seeks a $15 Minimum Wage – The New York … Meer lezenCuomo Pivots Again as He Seeks a $15 Minimum Wage – The New York Times